Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And The Congo Cowgirl Begins...

Welcome to The Congo Cowgirl!  My name is Valli (Webster) Howard and my husband, Tom and I are missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship.  For eighteen years we served in The Democratic Republic of Congo in Kinshasa, and in the village of Vanga in the Bandundu Province.  Tom is a pilot/mechanic and I am a musician  by training - oboist, Congolese drums (puida in particular), and I also enjoy quilting, and creating in general. 

About 16 years into our time in Congo, I came out to breakfast one morning and declared that I (who had been a Hoosier - albeit a Boilermaker one - since I was one year old) was going to be from Idaho.  (Some of that stemmed from trying to order gifts for family in the states online and always getting ID from the pull down menu first).  Anyway - I also declared that the pants I had on (which were made from the fabric in the state of Idaho in my header here) were my "Idaho Pants."  When we actually did move to Idaho with MAF in 2006, I discovered that Idaho is known as the Gem State.  The fabric on the pants which I declared where my Idaho Pants, was covered with diamonds gems.  Our God has such a grand sense of humor and timing. 

So, once again WELCOME to The Congo Cowgirl!!  Hope to see you often!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Valli, From First Baptist Church in Crawfordsville, Indiana, I am looking for a way to contact you and set up possibly a visit to our church in October, if that would be possible. Can you send me your phone number or email?
